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Pastor Nathan’s message this week started in I Corinthians 2:1-8 looking at the Apostle Paul. Although Paul was a very intellectual man and extremely well educated, he was not proud of that education because his life was changed by an encounter with Jesus Christ. In fact, Paul earned his reputation through the demonstration of the Spirit and by being led by the Spirit of God. In I Corinthians 15:9 Paul wrote that he considered himself the “least” of all the apostles because he persecuted the church. But God had a plan for Paul far beyond what he could ever imagine. Likewise, as Pastor Nathan pointed out, God has a plan for us. He speaks things into our lives. He imparts to us wisdom, and it is great to know that the devil doesn’t know God’s plan. Even though satan may try to stop what God wants to do, we have the upper hand because of the Greater One who lives on the inside of us.
Sharing from Mark 4, Pastor Nathan reminded us that God’s Word is seed to be planted in our hearts to produce faith, and when we have faith, the devil cannot stop us. Therefore, the devil uses several means to stop that seed from producing. Life can be so busy that often we are worn out. We don’t have time to fellowship with God or read the Word. Sometimes the Word of God is choked out by all the cares and concerns of this life, or the enemy brings persecution or affliction. However, if we hold onto the Word, it will always produce fruit, sometimes 30, sometimes 60, and best of all 100 percent. If we hold onto God’s Word, we will win. (Psalm 84:11, John 10:10) Moving on to Ephesians 3:2-10 we learned that God’s purpose is to reveal His wisdom and His plan to the church. The church is a special people to God, and His mysteries are not hidden from the church. In fact, the church should be a billboard for what God plans to do.
Using Jesus as our example, Isaiah 53:2 states that Jesus had no comeliness or beauty. In Matthew 3:17 God Himself announced to the world and to the kingdom of darkness exactly who Jesus was. Jesus was known for the words that came out of His mouth and the virtue that flowed through His hands. He taught us that what is on the outside is not as important as who is on the inside, for God looks at the heart. King Saul, for example, was tall and handsome. He looked like you might think a king would look, but his heart was not right, and he disobeyed God. On the other hand, no one thought David would be anointed king, but He was chosen by God. David became known as a man after God’s own heart.
Pastor Nathan went on to caution us. If God releases a word over our lives, we can expect the devil to try to stop it, but it is up to us to hang onto it. A smart general engaged in warfare will try to cut off the supply lines to their enemy. The devil uses similar tactics to stop the church. He wants to remove the infilling of the Holy Spirit. He desires to make the church believe healing is a thing of the past. Lastly, he desires to remove the money and resources necessary to spread the gospel.
Pastor Nathan ended his message in II Kings 6 and 7. During a time when Israel faced war and great famine, God defeated the enemy using 4 lepers. As they entered the enemy’s camp, God created a sound of a great army which caused the enemy to flee in terror! God caused the words of Elisha to come to pass when it seemed impossible to everyone else.
In conclusion, Pastor Nathan encouraged us to remember the things God has spoken over our lives and over our church. If the devil can’t stop Jesus, he can’t stop you! Hang onto God’s Word. God has faith in you. God believes in You because “greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” (I John 4:4)
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Were so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, Nathan and Jill Bruce
Pastor Nathan, great Word as always.